DUROSPAN GPS R5 4 ft. x 8 ft. x 1.06-inch Graphite-Enhanced Expandable Polystyrene Insulation Board

Closed cell graphite-enhanced insulation with a silver-gray colour.


Closed cell graphite-enhanced insulation with a silver-gray colour.

Weight 3.5 kg
Shipping Class Switch Identifier plus 60


DuroSpan GPS Insulation Board is a closed cell graphite-enhanced insulation with a silver-gray colour that meets or exceeds requirements for expanded polystyrene (EPS) manufactured to CAN/ULC S-701. DuroSpan GPS is manufactured using a graphite-enhanced expandable polystyrene (GPS) insulation with a thin film laminated to the top and bottom surfaces

  • DuroSpan GPS R5 insulation retains its R-value for life of the project
  • Laminated for easy installation with grey on both sides
  • Application specific tearaways and videos available
  • Easy to install, durable and applicator friendly
  • R value 5 per sheet
  • Meets building code requirements for roofs, walls and foundations