1 x 4 x 8′ Pressure Treated Wood (Above Ground Use Only)

1 x 4 x 8' Pressure Treated Wood (Above Ground Use Only)

Contractor: $5.65 / piece
Member: $5.25 / piece

1 x 4 x 8′ Pressure Treated Wood (Above Ground Use Only)

Weight 2.8 kg
Shipping Class Switch Identifier plus 100

Total piece

Subtotal $5.66


Treated Wood is pressure treated for long-term performance outdoors for decks, fences and landscaping. It uses advanced wood preservative technology that is low VOC, low eco-toxicity and certified as an Environmentally Preferable Product. Innovative colour pigment technology gives the treated wood a warm, finished look. This treated lumber protects against rot, decay and termites. Pressure Treated Wood is a solid wood trim that is specially manufactured for framing and detail carpentry in decking, fencing, and other landscaping projects. Treated for above ground applications and available in a variety of sizes.